The school is founded by Late Srikant Dwivedi, a noted humanitarian and philanthropist in 1972 under the affiliation of U.P. Board.it is managed by the Pvt. Aided. It is located in CHARGANWA block of GORAKHPUR district of Uttar Pradesh. It is a Sr. Secondary School (Class 1-12), where lowest class is 1st and highest class is 12th.
As per the academic and infrastructure it is one of the best college in Gorakhpur. This college has highly qualified teaching staff with excellent skill. The college has co-education with regular emphasis on excellent discipline and dress code as implemented separately for boys and girls. . Hindi is the medium of instructions in this school. Admissions are made in strict obedience of the rules of U.P. Board State Government of Uttar Pradesh with proper ratio of General, SC/ST, OBC and Physically handicapped categories.
This school is approachable by all weather road. In this school academic session starts in April. The school has Private building . All the classrooms are in good condition. The school has a separate room for Principal /Teacher. The school has a library and has 500 books in its library.
The college has well equipped lab's for Physics, Chemistry and Biology with prerequisite apparatus and chemicals.
Our Mission
Madan Mohan Malviya Inter College Bhagwanpur stands for excellence, equity and inclusiveness and social justice in education and aims to set standards in educational excellence and competence through curriculum enrichment and information dissemination. The mission of the institution is to provide cultural and physical training inputs for building a healthy and viable society through the balanced orientation towards basic and applied sciences with due importance to humanities and social sciences.
Our Vision
Madan Mohan Malviya Inter College Bhagwanpur will provide excellent educational opportunities that are responsive to the needs of the community and help students meet economic, social, and environmental challenges to become active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Principal's Message
Dear parents, teachers, and students,
I extend to you all a very warm welcome to Madan Mohan Malviya Inter College, Bhagwanpur website. It contains information regarding the school and its policies . Students and parents should use this information to get a better understanding of their school and its operation. I hope that this initiation to website will assist in enhancing the school culture furthering the school’s growth and evolution, enabling it to interface with the networked world for efficiency and effectiveness.
“If a plant is carefully nurtured by a gardener, it will become good, and produce better fruits.”
Therefore, children must be given a good education and training from their earliest childhood. We are here for the same. I am sure that our students of today, tomorrow will carry forward the Motto of love and unity entrusted in their hands at to Madan Mohan Malviya Inter College, Bhagwanpur.
As a parent, you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face the future challenges. In order to do this, families, teachers, support staff, community members, and administration all play a part in helping our students develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Together, we can make a positive difference. A strong partnership between home and school fosters greater success for our children.
I appreciate the dedication and the selfless service of the teachers of the past and the present and wish them all, best of fortune, peace and prosperity for their contribution to the noble task of spreading education and its manifest qualities, aims and objectives.
Wishing you all the best
-Nivedita Shanker Pandey (Principal)
(Madan Mohan Malviya Inter College Bhagwanpur,Gorakhpur)